Friday, October 31, 2008

Jajs Dieting

Its been almost a month since I've been dieting (religiously). Phew !!! I've not eaten normal food (read typical Indian - Marwari food) for so long now that I don't even miss it. In the last 30 days or so, I've lost 7 kgs (little over 15 pounds). Yessssssssss. Last month when I checked my weight, I was shocked to see that I've gained considerably. Once I got out of that shock, I decided to do something about it. Well I am an emotional eater (kinda) and exercise was never my thing (where is the time ??? ahem ...). All I have is strong willpower. So I decided that I will cut down on unhealthy food and will adopt a healthy lifestyle. For the last 1 month I've been eating - Corn, Cucumber, Tomato, Cabbage, Sprouts, Grams, Beans, Apple, Orange, Papaya ... basically fruits and vegetables along with stuff like Popcorn and Puffed Rice. I try to eat 'em raw as much as possible. If at all - only olive oil is used and that too very sparingly. I even try to drink sugar-less tea (2 cups/day max). I have completly chucked wheat or anyting made out of it, milk and milk products, rice, stuff like potato and banana, sweets and desserts, chocolates ... basically all things that makes me fat (but darn tasty ... buhuuuu). For the past couple of weeks, I've been doing little bit of jogging in the morning as well. The results are encouraging and I hope to continue this regimen for couple of months more. My target is to loose 20kgs (45 pounds). So 7 down... 13 more to go.

Wish me luck !!!

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